人员同步后, 在系统中手动新增人员(并不是企微的用户) 在企微用户同步的时候提示我手动添加的人员标识唯一, 这是什么情况, 麻烦管理大大给解决方案,谢谢
{ "readyState": 4, "responseText": "{\n \"type\": \"error\",\n \"message\": \"check persist stirngValue citationNotExists error, class:com.x.organization.core.entity.Identity, field:unique, value: 722_MG2122 must be a not existed in class:class com.x.organization.core.entity.Identity, fields:unique.\",\n \"date\": \"2022-09-15 15:11:57\",\n \"spent\": 237652,\n \"size\": -1,\n \"count\": 0,\n \"position\": 0\n}", "responseJSON": { "type": "error", "message": "check persist stirngValue citationNotExists error, class:com.x.organization.core.entity.Identity, field:unique, value: 722_MG2122 must be a not existed in class:class com.x.organization.core.entity.Identity, fields:unique.", "date": "2022-09-15 15:11:57", "spent": 237652, "size": -1, "count": 0, "position": 0 }, "status": 500, "statusText": "Server Error"}